Analytical Equipment at ISU Center for Crops Utilization Research
We have a variety of analytical equipment for monitoring fermentation substrates and metabolites (sugars, glycerol, organic acids, alcohols, offgas composition), proximate compositions (ash, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) and particle size distribution of food products. These analyses provide an instant QC of fermentation and food processing.
Thermo Scientific Off-gas Analyzer (based on mass spectrometry)
Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific
Make/Model: Prima BT
BlueSens Off-gas Analyzer (based on infrared IR and galanic cell)
Manufacturer: BlueSens
Make/Model: BlueVary
YSI Biochemistry Analyzer
Manufacturer: YSI
Make/Model: 2900
Capacity: Sugars, alcohol, organic acids
Elementar Nitrogen Analyzer
Manufacturer: Elementar
Make/Model: Vario MAX
Capacity: total nitrogen, protein
Labconco Goldfisch Lipid Extractor
Manufacturer: Labconco
Make/Model: 3500100
Malvern Mastersizer 2000 Particle-size Analyzer
Manufacturer: Malvern
Make/Model: Mastersizer 2000